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  • Theological Studies: Christian Education Leadership
  • 49个单位
  • Theological Foundations
  • Exegetical Theology
  • 6单元
  • THL 311: Old Testament Book of the Bible
  • 3

本课程将提供对旧约中一卷书或几卷书的深入研究,这些书将根据不同的课程而有所不同,并由讲师选择. 先决条件: THL 201 or consent of instructor. This course may be repeated for credit if a different book is studied.


  • THL 312: New Testament Book of the Bible
  • 3

本课程将提供对新约中一卷书或几本较小的整卷书的深入研究,这些书将根据不同的课程而有所不同,并由讲师选择. 先决条件: THL 202 or consent of instructor. This course may be repeated for credit if a different book is studied.

  • THL 429: Biblical Theology 和 Exegesis
  • 3

Through an intensive study of the major themes of the Old 和 New Testaments, 本课程将介绍和应用释经和解释学的工具和原则,特别强调在会众事工中使用律法和福音原则. 先决条件: THL 201THL 202 or concurrent enrollment allowed.

  • Systematic Theology (Doctrine)
  • 6单元
  • THL 371: Christian Doctrine 和 Confessions I
  • 3

这门系统和认信神学的入门课程将涵盖神学方法, revelation 和 Scripture, 律法与福音, the Triune God 和 His attributes, 人性与罪, 和 the person 和 work of Jesus Christ as the God-man, with an emphasis on key biblical material 和 its expression in the 路德an Confessions.

  • THL 372: Christian Doctrine 和 Confessions II
  • 3

这门系统和认信神学的入门课程将涵盖基督的工作, the person 和 the work of the Holy Spirit, 教会和末世论的重点是关键的圣经材料和它的表达在路德信条. 先决条件: THL 371.

  • Historical Theology
  • 3单位
  • THL 304: History of the Christian Church
  • 3

本课程将调查基督教会的起源和发展,通过其政治和文化背景和影响的审查,特别考虑到在基督教会历史上不同时间和地点出现的神学主题, culminating with 21st century trends in funda精神ism, 福音派的教义, 和合一.

  • 任务
  • 3单位
  • THL 430: Christian Apologetics
  • 3

基督教信仰与与基督教冲突的主要哲学和意识形态的关系将在本课程中从2世纪到现在进行评估. 先决条件: Junior or senior st和ing or consent of instructor.


  • THL 481: The Mission of Christ's Church
  • 3

本课程将概述基督教宣教的神学和实践,包括历史发展, missionary methods, evangelism programs, 和 paradigm shifts, to develop the skills needed to share the Gospel to others.

  • Other Theological Thought
  • 3单位
  • REL 321: World Religions
  • 3

This survey course of the world's major non-Christian religions will include motifs, 信仰模式, ritual 和 worship, 道德, 社会模式, origin 和 development, 和 sacred writings.


  • REL 375: Contemporary Religious Bodies
  • 3

这门介绍几个主要西方神学立场的概论课程是围绕罗马天主教的系统组织的, 路德, 加尔文和卫斯理. 先决条件: CTHL 101 or CTHL 200 或同等.

  • Christian Education Leadership
  • CED 201: Introduction to Christian Education: Theory 和 Practice
  • 3

Students will be introduced to the biblical, 神学, 和 historical foundations of Christian education within the church in this course as they meet 和 observe Christian education practitioners; create a philosophy of ministry; begin a professional portfolio; 和 explore their personal interests, 天赋, 和 skills in relation to those needed for success in Christian education leadership. 学生们还将决定他们对路德教会-密苏里教会基督教教育项目主任的承诺. 课程要求:完成指纹清除程序,并支付相应费用.

  • CED 202: Church Leadership 和 Administration
  • 3

在这门课程中,学生将Explore圣经原则和当前领导者和管理者的做法:设想, 组织, 招聘, 培训, 和 supervision of volunteers, 预算, 宣传, 并特别强调评估这些功能在教会和副教会领导和管理中的应用. 学习的高潮是在学生实地工作会众中使用的战略事工计划. 前提条件:指纹清除或同意基督学院的教会职业办公室.

  • CED 401: Senior Fieldwork Seminar I
  • 3

在本课程中,学生将有时间与一位在职的DCE一起学习与DCE事工相关的经验和技能, including evaluation of the practicum experience, presentation of current DCE ministry trends, 资源, 和哲学. 前提条件:学生在DCE课程/基督教教育领导专业的最后一年并被完全录取.

  • CED 402: Senior Fieldwork Seminar II
  • 3

的延续 401年清洁能源. 先决条件: 401年清洁能源.

  • CED 470: Family Systems
  • 3

This course will examine the dynamics of family interaction from a systems perspective. An underst和ing of family systems theory will be applied to the historical, 社会学, 神学, 和 biblical contexts of family life 和 the church. Topics will include family formation, the process of family life, 家族病史, non-nuclear families, 和 crisis assessment.

  • PSY 466: Principles of Counseling
  • 3

本基础课程将使学生了解心理咨询的内容和过程,包括基本技巧, legal 和 ethical issues, crisis intervention, cultural sensitivity, how 和 when to refer, control-mastery theory, 和 the integration of psychology 和 theology.

  • THL 222: Christian Witness 和 Evangelism
  • 1


  • Choose 2 of the following:
  • CED 370: Children’s 和 Family Ministry
  • 3

本课程将研究和评估适合信仰发展和反映身体的方法和材料, 精神, 社会, 情感, 和 spiritual needs of children aged birth through grade six. Evaluation of curriculum, 设施, 政策, 同时,我们也会讨论一个面向儿童及其家庭的综合性事工的程序, 强调儿童和他们的家庭参与教会的整体生活. A fieldwork component is required.

  • CED 380: 青年部 和 Culture
  • 3

本课程检视青年事工的文化影响的背景下的青少年在今天的社会通过路德神学的镜头. 本课程将包括对传统青少年问题的讨论以及寻求解决这些问题的回应. A fieldwork component is required.

  • CED 455: Catechesis: Theory 和 Practice
  • 3

本课程将探讨路德教会教理讲授的历史、理论和实践. 学生将研究各种教理讲授模式和技能,以发展对青年教理讲授的整体方法, 成年人, 和家庭. A fieldwork component is required. Offered in alternate years. 先决条件: THL 371 (concurrent enrollment allowed).

  • CED 460: Adult Ministry
  • 3

本课程将向学生介绍成人事工的神学基础, stages of adulthood, 成人学习, generational theories, unique needs of contemporary 成年人, theory 和 practice of small group ministry, 和 current programs 和 practices which will equip 成年人 for ministry, build-up the body of Christ, 和 develop 成年人' faith in Christ.

当前的学生, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该辅修课程的最新课程,也可能不是您要完成辅修课程的目录年的要求. Please refer to the 学术目录 for official requirements you must meet to qualify.

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